
May 2025 Shows


International Cat Show Ljubljana

17th and 18th of May 2025

2 days/2 shows/2 certificates



Feline breeders club Ljubljana - Felinološko društvo Ljubljana (



Click here for more information.



Tivoli Hall (Ice hockey arena), Celovška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana (



Fabio Brambilla  - IT (all)

Pam DelaBar - FI (all)

Satu Hamalainen - FI (all)

Danijel Iveta - HR (cat. 1, 2)



7.30-9.00       –   Registration and Veterinary Control (Sunday 8.00 - 9.00)

10.00-15.00   –   Judging

12.00-14.00   –   Cat Breeds Presentation for Visitors 

15.00             –   Announcement of Most Beautiful Cats (Visitors’ Choice)

16.00             –   Best in Show and Best of Best

19.00             –   End of the Show (on Sunday 18.00)



On-line show entry Ljubljana 2025:


Entry deadline - May 3th 2025 by 12PM (midday).


Registration fees (in EUR including VAT):



- Colour recognition: 10 EUR/cat

- Double cage for 1 cat:* 10 EUR / cat / per day

- Entries received after April 30th 2023 (if free places are still available): 20 EUR / per exhibitor

- Payment on the spot: 20 EUR / per exhibitor

- Catalogue: included in the registration fee


*Measurements of single cage (in cm): 70x70x70 / double cage: WHD 140x70x70


Participation at the show is on the risk of the exhibitor. Exhibitors may present their cats to the judges except for the BIS / BOB shows. All exhibitors must agree to respect FIFe and ZFDS Rules. Non-FIFe exhibitors are also welcome; they may present their cats in classes for kittens (11 and 12), open and neuter classes (9 and 10).


Registration fees for the show are to be paid online  to the associations account SI56 0201 0009 1880 112 (bank NLB, d.d., SWIFT: LJBASI2X). The recipient is Felinolosko drustvo Ljubljana, Vosnjakova ulica 1, 1000 Ljubljana, VAT no. SI27171337. The reference name should include your last name and your first name with the postscript Show 2024 (example: "Bond James Show 2024"), the reference number is 00-1112052024 (if applicable). Deadline for payment of registration fees is possible by 8.5.2024, after that, registration fees are paid at the show entrance with the late fee applicable.


Veterinary requirements: 

Veterinary check upon entry in the show hall is mandatory for all cats. All cats must be vaccinated against respiratory viral diseases and panleucopenia at least 15 days before the show. All cats, travelling from other countries to Slovenia must be vaccinated for rabies at least 21 days before the show. The period of vaccine validity is marked by an authorized veterinarian in the cats' passport or vaccination certificate. All cats must have appropriate documents that comply with EU Regulation No 576/2003. Upon registration, cats will be identified via microchip. White cats must have a veterinary certificate for a hearing test. Cats should be without any internal or external parasites and free of any signs of diseases. Cats which do not comply with these rules, will be disqualified from the show.


Cats are displayed in cages provided by the association. The use of personal cages is not allowed. Unfortunately, no permissions to leave early will be granted at the show Ljubljana 2024. Cats must be present for the whole duration of the show on both days. The cages need to be equipped with food, water and litter for cats for the whole duration of the show.  


Cancellations for any reason accepted only until deadline (30.04.2025).





Please send your application to Ines Gulić - by May 5th 2024.




M Hotel, Derčeva 4, Ljubljana

  • Single room with breakfast: 120 EUR per night. 
  • Double room with breakfast: 140 EUR per night. 
  • Extra charge for cats: 20 EUR per night (max 2 cat, if more double price)
  • Tourist tax 3.13 EUR per person per dan.
  • Reservation: , code Cat Show. 


Austria Trend Hotel, Dunajska cesta 154, Ljubljana

  • Single room with breakfast: 110 EUR / night. 
  • Double room with breakfast: 135 EUR / night. 
  • Extra charge for cats: 20 EUR / night / cat.
  • Tourist tax 3.13 EUR per person per dan.
  • Rezervacije:


Hotel One66, Celovška cesta 166, Ljubljana

  • Single room with breakfast: 110 EUR / night. 
  • One-bedroom apartment (price for two people): 200 EUR / night. 
  • Extra charge for catsi: 10 EUR / night / cat.
  • Tourist tax 3.13 EUR per person per dan.
  • Reservations:
  • We offer a 10% discount to Cat Show attendees.


Additional information: 

For additional information please contact us on



Without additional financial support, the execution of our exhibition would be impossible. Therefore, we extend our deepest thanks to already contributed sponsors:

ROYAL CANIN Ljubljana d.o.o.,

ARC-Kranj d.o.o.,

MARS d.o.o.

DJ Plus d.o.o.

VETLINE d.o.o.

Agencija Sparta Tim d.o.o.

Panakea d.o.o.

Andras Dienes

Matjaž Izlakar GERM s.p.

Melisa d.o.o.

Pet Network SI d.o.o.

Superprodukti Matej Krajnc s.p.

KOBB-IN Barbara Novak s.p.

Tomaž Vratar Testen s.p.


MEGALOMANIC Aleš Kaisersberger s.p.




International Cat Show Ljubljana

11th and 12th of May 2024

2 days/2 shows/2 certificates



Feline breeders club Ljubljana - Felinološko društvo Ljubljana (



Click here for more information.



Tivoli Hall (Ice hockey arena), Celovška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana (



Marcin Biernaczyk (cat. 2, 3, 4)

Magdalena Kudra (all breed)

Yan Roca-Folch (all breed)

Riikka Turpeinen (cat. 1, 2)



7.30-9.00       –   Registration and Veterinary Control (Sunday 8.00 - 9.00)

10.00-15.00   –   Judging

12.00-14.00   –   Cat Breeds Presentation for Visitors 

15.00             –   Announcement of Most Beautiful Cats (Visitors’ Choice)

16.00             –   Best in Show and Best of Best

19.00             –   End of the Show (on Sunday 18.00)



On-line show entry Ljubljana 2024:


Entry deadline - April 30th 2024 by 12PM.


Registration fees (in EUR including VAT):



- Colour recognition: 10 EUR/cat

- Double cage for 1 cat:* 10 EUR / cat / per day

- Entries received after April 30th 2023 (if free places are still available): 20 EUR / per exhibitor

- Payment on the spot: 20 EUR / per exhibitor

- Catalogue: included in the registration fee


*Measurements of single cage (in cm): 70x70x70 / double cage: WHD 140x70x70


Participation at the show is on the risk of the exhibitor. Exhibitors may present their cats to the judges except for the BIS / BOB shows. All exhibitors must agree to respect FIFe and ZFDS Rules. Non-FIFe exhibitors are also welcome; they may present their cats in classes for kittens (11 and 12), open and neuter classes (9 and 10).


Registration fees for the show are to be paid online  to the associations account SI56 0201 0009 1880 112 (bank NLB, d.d., SWIFT: LJBASI2X). The recipient is Felinolosko drustvo Ljubljana, Vosnjakova ulica 1, 1000 Ljubljana, VAT no. SI27171337. The reference name should include your last name and your first name with the postscript Show 2024 (example: "Bond James Show 2024"), the reference number is 00-1112052024 (if applicable). Deadline for payment of registration fees is possible by 8.5.2024, after that, registration fees are paid at the show entrance with the late fee applicable.


Veterinary requirements: 

Veterinary check upon entry in the show hall is mandatory for all cats. All cats must be vaccinated against respiratory viral diseases and panleucopenia at least 15 days before the show. All cats, travelling from other countries to Slovenia must be vaccinated for rabies at least 21 days before the show. The period of vaccine validity is marked by an authorized veterinarian in the cats' passport or vaccination certificate. All cats must have appropriate documents that comply with EU Regulation No 576/2003. Upon registration, cats will be identified via microchip. White cats must have a veterinary certificate for a hearing test. Cats should be without any internal or external parasites and free of any signs of diseases. Cats which do not comply with these rules, will be disqualified from the show.


Cats are displayed in cages provided by the association. The use of personal cages is not allowed. Unfortunately, no permissions to leave early will be granted at the show Ljubljana 2024. Cats must be present for the whole duration of the show on both days. The cages need to be equipped with food, water and litter for cats for the whole duration of the show.  


Cancellations for any reason accepted only until deadline (30.04.2024).





Please send your application to Ines Gulić - by May 5th 2024.




M Hotel, Derčeva 4, Ljubljana

  • Single room with breakfast: 120 EUR per night. 
  • Double room with breakfast: 140 EUR per night. 
  • Extra charge for cats: 20 EUR per night (max 2 cat, if more double price)
  • Tourist tax 3.13 EUR per person per dan.
  • Reservation: , code Cat Show. 


Austria Trend Hotel, Dunajska cesta 154, Ljubljana

  • Single room with breakfast: 110 EUR / night. 
  • Double room with breakfast: 135 EUR / night. 
  • Extra charge for cats: 20 EUR / night / cat.
  • Tourist tax 3.13 EUR per person per dan.
  • Rezervacije:


Hotel One66, Celovška cesta 166, Ljubljana

  • Single room with breakfast: 110 EUR / night. 
  • One-bedroom apartment (price for two people): 200 EUR / night. 
  • Extra charge for catsi: 10 EUR / night / cat.
  • Tourist tax 3.13 EUR per person per dan.
  • Reservations:
  • We offer a 10% discount to Cat Show attendees.


Additional information: 

For additional information please contact us on



Without additional financial support, the execution of our exhibition would be impossible. Therefore, we extend our deepest thanks to:

ROYAL CANIN Ljubljana d.o.o.,

ARC-Kranj d.o.o.,

MARS d.o.o.

DJ Plus d.o.o.

VETLINE d.o.o.

Agencija Sparta Tim d.o.o.

Panakea d.o.o.

Andras Dienes

Matjaž Izlakar GERM s.p.

Melisa d.o.o.

Pet Network SI d.o.o.

Superprodukti Matej Krajnc s.p.

KOBB-IN Barbara Novak s.p.

Tomaž Vratar Testen s.p.


MEGALOMANIC Aleš Kaisersberger s.p.



May 2023 Shows


International Cat Show Ljubljana

13th and 14th of May 2023

2 days/2 shows/2 certificates



Feline breeders club Ljubljana - Felinološko društvo Ljubljana (



Click here for more information.



Tivoli Hall (Ice hockey arena), Celovška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana (



Vladimir Isakov (all breed)

Donatella Mastrangelo (all breed)

Miroslaw Skotarczyk (cat. 1, 2)

Joeri Vanrusselt (cat. 3, 4)



7.30-9.00       –   Registration and Veterinary Control (Sunday 8.00 - 9.00)

10.00-15.00   –   Judging

12.00-14.00   –   Cat Breeds Presentation for Visitors 

15.00             –   Announcement of Most Beautiful Cats (Visitors’ Choice)

16.00             –   Best in Show and Best of Best

19.00             –   End of the Show (on Sunday 18.00)



On-line show entry Ljubljana 2023:


Entry deadline - April 30th 2023 by 12.00 (noon).


Registration fees (in EUR including VAT):



- Colour recognition: 10 EUR/cat

- Double cage for 1 cat:* 10 EUR / cat / per day

- Entries received after April 30th 2023 (if free places are still available): 20 EUR / per exhibitor

- Payment on the spot: 20 EUR / per exhibitor

- Catalogue: included in the registration fee


*Measurements of single cage (in cm): 70x70x70 / double cage: WHD 140x70x70


Participation at the show is on the risk of the exhibitor. Exhibitors may present their cats to the judges except for the BIS / BOB shows. All exhibitors must agree to respect FIFe and ZFDS Rules. Non-FIFe exhibitors are also welcome; they may present their cats in classes for kittens (11 and 12), open and neuter classes (9 and 10).


Registration fees for the show are to be paid online  to the associations account SI56 0201 0009 1880 112 (bank NLB, d.d., SWIFT: LJBASI2X). The recipient is Felinolosko drustvo Ljubljana, Vosnjakova ulica 1, 1000 Ljubljana, VAT no. SI27171337. The reference name should include your last name and your first name with the postscript Show 2023 (example: "Bond James Show 2023"), the reference number is 00-1112052024 (if applicable). Deadline for payment of registration fees is possible by 8.5.2023, after that, registration fees are paid at the show entrance with the late fee applicable.


Veterinary requirements: 

Veterinary check upon entry in the show hall is mandatory for all cats. All cats must be vaccinated against respiratory viral diseases and panleucopenia at least 15 days before the show. All cats, travelling from other countries to Slovenia must be vaccinated for rabies at least 21 days before the show. The period of vaccine validity is marked by an authorized veterinarian in the cats' passport or vaccination certificate. All cats must have appropriate documents that comply with EU Regulation No 576/2003. Upon registration, cats will be identified via microchip. White cats must have a veterinary certificate for a hearing test. Cats should be without any internal or external parasites and free of any signs of diseases. Cats which do not comply with these rules, will be disqualified from the show.


Unfortunately, no permissions to leave early will be granted at the show Ljubljana 2023. Cats must be present for the whole duration of the show on both days. The cages need to be equipped with food, water and litter for cats for the whole duration of the show.  


Cancellations for any reason accepted only until deadline (30.04.2023).





Please send your application to Ines Gulić - by May 5th 2023.




M Hotel, Derčeva 4, Ljubljana

  • Single room with breakfast: 120 EUR per night. 
  • Double room with breakfast, 140 EUR per night. 
  • Extra charge for cats: 20 EUR per night (max 2 cat, if more double price)
  • Reservation: , code Cat Show. 


Additional information: 

For additional information please contact us on


May 2022 Shows


International Cat Show Ljubljana

14th and 15th of May 2022

2 days/2 shows/2 certificates



Feline breeders club Ljubljana - Felinološko društvo Ljubljana (



Click here for more information.



Tivoli Hall (Ice hockey arena), Celovška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana (



Katarina Balikova (category 1, 2)

Gerardo Fraga y Guzmán (category 1-4)

Grazyna Laskowska-Malaga (category 1-4)

Marina Vinkel (category 1-4)



8.00-9.00       –   Registration and Veterinary Control

10.00-15.00   –   Judging

12.00-14.00   –   Cat Breeds Presentation for Visitors 

15.00             –   Announcement of Most Beautiful Cats (Visitors’ Choice)

16.00             –   Best in Show and Best of Best

19.00             –   End of the Show (on Sunday 18.00)



On-line show entry Ljubljana 2022:


Deadline for registration extended to May 9th 2022 by 12.00 (noon).


Registration fees (in EUR including VAT):

  • Classes 1 - 13 and class 15 (out of competition)                          35 EUR (60 EUR two days)
  • Class 14 (domestic cat)                                                             20 EUR / per day
  • Litter (minimum of 3 kittens from the same litter in Class 11/12)  70 EUR / per day
  • Double cage for 1 cat*                                                               10 EUR / per day
  • Entries received after Aug 15th 2021 (if free places are still available) 20 EUR / per exhibitor
  • Payment on the spot                                                                  20 EUR / per exhibitor
  • 6th cat and above                                                                     FREE

*Measurements of single cage (in cm): 70x70x70 / double cage: WHD 140x70x70


Participation at the show is on the risk of the exhibitor. Exhibitors may present their cats to the judges except for the BIS / BOB shows. All exhibitors must agree to respect FIFe and ZFDS Rules. Non-FIFe exhibitors are also welcome; they may present their cats in classes for kittens (11 and 12), open and neuter classes (9 and 10).


Registration fees for the show are to be paid online  to the associations account SI56 0201 0009 1880 112 (bank NLB, d.d., SWIFT: LJBASI2X). The recipient is Felinolosko drustvo Ljubljana, Vosnjakova ulica 1, 1000 Ljubljana, VAT no. SI27171337. The reference name should include your last name and your first name with the postscript Show 2022 (example: "Bond James Show 2022"), the reference number is 00-1415052022 (if applicable). Deadline for payment of registration fees is possible by 10.5.2022, after that, registration fees are paid at the show entrance with the late fee applicable.


Veterinary requirements: 

Veterinary check upon entry in the show hall is mandatory for all cats. All cats must be vaccinated against respiratory viral diseases and panleucopenia at least 15 days before the show. All cats, travelling from other countries to Slovenia must be vaccinated for rabies at least 21 days before the show. The period of vaccine validity is marked by an authorized veterinarian in the cats' passport or vaccination certificate. All cats must have appropriate documents that comply with EU Regulation No 576/2003. Upon registration, cats will be identified via microchip. White cats must have a veterinary certificate for a hearing test. Cats should be without any internal or external parasites and free of any signs of diseases. Cats which do not comply with these rules, will be disqualified from the show.


Unfortunately, no permissions to leave early will be granted at the show Ljubljana 2022. Cats must be present for the whole duration of the show on both days. The cages need to be equipped with food, water and litter for cats for the whole duration of the show.  


Cancellations for any reason accepted only until deadline (6.5.2022).





Please send your application to Ines Gulić - by May 5th 2022.




Hotel Mrak, Rimska cesta 4, Ljubljana.

  • Double room with breakfast, 129€ per room per night. 
  • Double room with breakfast, use for a single person: 115€ per room per night
  • Tourist tax: 3,13€ per person per night 
  • No extra charge for cats
  • Reservation:

M Hotel, Derčeva 4, Ljubljana

  • Single room with breakfast: 80 EUR per night. 
  • Double room with breakfast, 100€ per night. 
  • Triple room with breakfast: 120 EUR per night.
  • Extra charge for cats: 20 EUR per night. 
  • Tourist tax: 3,13€ per person per night 
  • Rezervation: , code Cat Show. 


Additional information: 

For additional information please contact us on


August 2021 Shows


International Cat Show Ljubljana

28th and 29th of August 2021

2 days/2 shows/2 certificates



Feline breeders club Ljubljana - Felinološko društvo Ljubljana (



Click here for more information.



Gospodarsko razstavišče Ljubljana (, Dunajska cesta 18, 1000 Ljubljana.


Judges (category):

  • Fabio Brambilla, IT (1, 2, 3, 4)
  • Thea Friškovec-Keller, CH (1, 2, 3, 4)
  • Dominika Halicka, SK (1, 2)
  • Eric Rejeirs, CZ (1, 2, 3, 4)



8.00-9.00       –   Registration and Veterinary Control

10.00-15.00   –   Judging

12.00-14.00   –   Cat Breeds Presentation for Visitors 

15.00             –   Announcement of Most Beautiful Cats (Visitors’ Choice)

16.00             –   Best in Show* and Best of Best

19.00             –   End of the Show (on Sunday 18.00)

*Separate Best in Show Blue Cat on Saturday and Separate Best in Show Tortie Cat on Sunday.


On-line show entry Ljubljana 2021:


Deadline – August 15th 2021 by 12.00 (noon).


Registration fees (in EUR including VAT):

  • Classes 1 - 13 and class 15 (out of competition)                                         30 EUR (50 EUR two days)
  • Class 14 (domestic cat)                                                                            15 EUR / per day
  • Litter (minimum of 3 kittens from the same litter in Class 11/12)                 60 EUR / per day
  • Double cage for 1 cat*                                                                             10 EUR / per day
  • Show catalogue                                                                                         5 EUR / per exhibitor
  • Entries received after Aug 15th 2021 (if free places are still available)          20 EUR / per exhibitor
  • Payment on the spot                                                                                 20 EUR / per exhibitor

*Measurements of single cage (in cm): 70x70x70 / double cage: WHD 140x70x70


Participation at the show is on the risk of the exhibitor. Exhibitors may present their cats to the judges except for the BIS / BOB shows. All exhibitors must agree to respect FIFe and ZFDS Rules. Non-FIFe exhibitors are also welcome; they may present their cats in classes for kittens (11 and 12), open and neuter classes (9 and 10).


Registration fees for the show are to be paid online  to the associations account SI56 0201 0009 1880 112 (bank NLB, d.d., SWIFT: LJBASI2X). The recipient is Felinolosko drustvo Ljubljana, Vosnjakova ulica 1, 1000 Ljubljana, VAT no. SI27171337. The reference name should include your last name and your first name with the postscript Show 2021 (example: "Bond James Show 2021"), the reference number is 00-2425032018 (if applicable). Deadline for payment of registration fees is possible by 25.8.2021, after that, registration fees are paid at the show entrance.


Veterinary requirements: 

Veterinary check upon entry in the show hall is mandatory for all cats. All cats must be vaccinated against respiratory viral diseases and panleucopenia at least 15 days before the show. All cats, travelling from other countries to Slovenia must be vaccinated for rabies at least 21 days before the show. The period of vaccine validity is marked by an authorized veterinarian in the cats' passport or vaccination certificate. All cats must have appropriate documents that comply with EU Regulation No 576/2003. Upon registration, cats will be identified via microchip. White cats must have a veterinary certificate for a hearing test.


Unfortunately, no permissions to leave early will be granted at the show Ljubljana 2021. Cats must be present for the whole duration of the show on both days. The cages need to be equipped with food, water and litter for cats for the whole duration of the show.  


Cancellations for any reason accepted only until deadline (15.8.2021).


COVID measures

To participate at the show you need fulfill vaccinated, tested or recovered requirement. You need to prove it with:

  • a negative rapid antigen or PCR test for COVID-19 that is not older than 48 hours;
  • a certificate of recovery (a certificate of positive PCR test result, which is more than ten days old, unless a doctor assesses otherwise, but no more than six months old, or a medical certificate confirming that the person has recovered from COVID-19 and that no more than six months have elapsed since the onset of symptoms;
  • a certificate of vaccination demonstrating that:
    • at least seven days have elapsed since receiving the second dose of the Comirnaty vaccine produced by Biontech/Pfizer,
    • at least 14 days have elapsed since receiving the second dose of the COVID-19 Vaccine produced by Moderna,
    • at least 21 days have elapsed since receiving the first dose of the Vaxzevria (COVID-19 Vaccine) produced by AstraZeneca,
    • at least 14 days have elapsed since receiving a dose of the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine produced by Johnson and Johnson/Janssen-Cilag,
    • at least 21 days have elapsed since receiving the first dose of the Covishield vaccine produced by the Serum Institute of India/AstraZeneca,
    • at least 14 days have elapsed since receiving the second dose of the Sputnik V vaccine produced by Russia’s Gamaleya National Centre of Epidemiology and Microbiology,
    • at least 14 days have elapsed since receiving the second dose of the CoronaVac vaccine produced by Sinovac Biotech,
    • at least 14 days have elapsed since receiving the second dose of the COVID-19 Vaccine produced by Sinopharm,
    • If a person is vaccinated with a combination of two different vaccines under point 3, protection is established after the second dose of a particular type of vaccine has been administered. If such a person is first vaccinated with the vaccine under indent three or five of point 3 (AstraZeneca vaccine), protection is established immediately after they receive the second dose if they are vaccinated for the second time with the vaccine under indent one of point 3 (Biontech/Pfizer vaccine) or indent two of point 3 (Moderna vaccine) and they receive the second dose within 4 to 12 weeks after the first dose.
  • a certificate of vaccination for persons who have recovered from COVID-19 (a certificate of recovery and proof that the person has been vaccinated with one dose of a vaccine referred to in the preceding point within eight months of a positive PCR test result or the onset of symptoms). The following combination shall be considered adequate proof: proof of vaccination with at least one dose and of a positive PCR test result, or proof of vaccination with at least one dose and a medical certificate of recovery from COVID-19.


More about COVID situation in Slovenia at: 



Please send your application to Ines Gulić - by August 15th 2021.




M Hotel


Single room with breakfast: 70 EUR / night

Double room with breakfast: 80 EUR / night 

Extra charge for cats: 20 EUR / night

Extra charge for turist tax: 2,13 EUR / person / night

Reservations at: (with code: “cat show”)

There are few parking places available at hotel. Other parking costs 1,8 EUR per night (19h-7h)  or 0,6 EUR per hour during night. 


Hotel Mrak

Double room with breakfast: 120 EUR /night

Extra charge for turist tax: 3,13 EUR / person / night

Extra charge for cats: 20 EUR / night



Additional information: 

For additional information please contact us on


Cancellation of Internationa cat show Ljubljana 2020

We are sad to inform you that due to outbreak of new Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in our neighboring countries has Feline Club Ljubljana decided to cancel the upcoming International cat show in Ljubljana, March 2020.

As stated in our Statutes one of our main activities is care for health of cats and to act responsibly towards our members, stakeholders and general public. In given situation the show would represent a risk for our members, exhibitors, partners and visitors. Therefore the only right and responsible decision was to cancel the show.

We are extremely thankful for your understanding, support and we are counting on your future participation. 

With kind regards,

Feline Club Ljubljana

Mediterranean Winner Show Ljubljana (16-17 March 2019)

Before applying please make sure you checked all the following points:

  • You have to be a member of a FIFe Member (country) to be able to take part as an exhibitor.
  • Your cat (a fully recognised breed or a housecat) has to be qualified according to the FIFe Show Rules.
  • Your club will have to confirm your membership and qualifications.

Entries will be open from November 5th until February 15th 2019. 

Only online entries will be accepted.

For more info visit

Photos from Ljubljana Cat Show (24th and 25th March 2018)

Our photographer has caught a few moments from our diverse cat show, which took place in Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre (Gospodarsko razstavišče), where we had the chance to see almost 300 different cat beauties. It was phenomenal and we hope to see you next year, when we will be hosting the Mediterranean Winner Show. More at

If you wish to access the picture gallery (photo: Tea Pavišič) click on the picture below. 

To download the full results of the 126th and 127th International Cat Show Ljubljana click here. 

International Cat Show Ljubljana 2018

March 2018 Shows


126th and 127th

International Cat Show Ljubljana

24th and 25th of March 2018

2 days/2 shows/2 certificates



Feline breeders club Ljubljana - Felinološko društvo Ljubljana (


Gospodarsko razstavišče Ljubljana (, Dunajska cesta 18, 1000 Ljubljana (Instructions to location are available here).

Judges (category):

  • Katarína Báliková (1, 2)
  • Fabio Brambilla (all)
  • Robert Lubrano (1, 2, 4)
  • Grazyna Laskowska Malaga (all)
  • Raymond Alessandro Saetre (1, 2)
  • Marina Vinkel (all)
  • Rolf Voehringer (all)


7.30-9.00      –   Registration and Veterinary Control
10.00-15.00  –   Judging
12.00-14.00  –   Cat Breeds Presentation for Visitors 
15.00             –   Announcement of Most Beautiful Cats (Visitors’ Choice)
16.00             –   Best in Show* and Best of Best
19.00             –   End of the Show (on Sunday 18.00)
*Separate Best in Show Litters on Saturday and Separate Best in Show Veterans on Sunday.


Registration fees:

  • Classes 1 - 13 and class 15 (out of competition)                                                   30 EUR (50 EUR two days)
  • Class 14 (domestic cat)                                                                                              15 EUR / per day
  • Litter (minimum of 3 kittens from the same litter in Class 11/12)                     55 EUR / per day
  • Double cage for 1 cat                                                                                                 10 EUR / per day
  • Show catalogue                                                                                                           5 EUR / per exhibitor
  • Entries received after March 12th 2018 (if free places are still available)          10 EUR / per exhibitor
(Measurements of single cage (in cm): 70x70x70 / double cage: WHD 140x70x70)
Participation at the show is on the risk of the exhibitor. Exhibitors may present their cats to the judges except for the BIS / BOB shows. All exhibitors must agree to respect FIFe and ZFDS Rules. Non-FIFe exhibitors are also welcome; they may present their cats in classes for kittens (11 and 12), open and neuter classes (9 and 10).
Registration fees for the show are to be paid at the show entrance. You can also pay the registration fees before arrival, to the associations account SI56 0201 0009 1880 112 (bank NLB, d.d., SWIFT: LJBASI2X). The recipient is Felinolosko drustvo Ljubljana, Vosnjakova ulica 1, 1000 Ljubljana, VAT no. SI27171337. The reference name should include your last name and your first name with the postscript Show 2018 (example: "Bond James Show 2018"), the reference number is 00-2425032018 (if applicable). Payment of registration fees is possible by March 20th 2018, afther that, registration fees are paid at the show entrance.


On-line show entry Ljubljana 2018:

Entries are CLOSED.

Final deadline - March 16th 2018 12.00 (noon)

Veterinary requirements: All cats must be vaccinated against respiratory viral diseases and panleucopenia at least 15 days before the show. All cats, travelling from EU to Slovenia must be vaccinated for rabies. The period of vaccine validity is marked by an authorized veterinarian in the cats' passport or vaccination certificate. All cats must have appropriate documents that comply with EU Regulation No 576/2003. Upon registration, cats will be identified via microchip. White cats must have a veterinary certificate for a hearing test.


Please send your application to Ines Gulić -


Urban Homy Ljubljana (Emona Luxury Rooms)
- single bed - 58 EUR + tourist tax
- double bed - 65 EUR + tourist tax
- junior suite with terrace - 70 EUR + tourist tax
Hotel Emonec
- single bed - 58,27 EUR + tourist tax
- double bed - 71,54 EUR + tourist tax
+ 5 EUR per cat
Hotel BIT Center
- single bed - 38.90 EUR + tourist tax
- double bed - 52 EUR + tourist tax
- triple bed - 56 EUR + tourist tax
M Hotel
- single bed - 65 EUR + tourist tax
- double bed - 70 EUR + tourist tax
+ 10 EUR per cat

Additional information: 

For additional information please contact us on or

March 2017 Shows


122nd and 123rd

International Cat Show Ljubljana

18th and 19th of March 2017

2 days/2 shows/2 certificates



Feline breeders club Ljubljana - Felinološko društvo Ljubljana (


Gospodarsko razstavišče Ljubljana (, Dunajska cesta 18, 1000 Ljubljana (Instructions to location are available here).

Judges (category):

  • Donatella Mastrangelo (all)
  • Yan Rocha Folch (all)
  • Helena Schmid Camenisch (1, 2)
  • Satu Hämäläinen (all)
  • Sebastian Pruchniak (all)
  • Pam DelaBar (all)
  • Tatjana Malgaj (1, 2) - saturday only 


7.30-9.00      –   Registration and Veterinary Control
10.00-15.00  –   Judging
12.00-14.00  –   Cat Breeds Presentation for Visitors 
15.00             –   Announcement of Most Beautiful Cats (Visitors’ Choice)
16.00             –   Best in Show* and Best of Best
18.00             –   End of the Show
*Separate Breed Best in Show SBI on Saturday and Separate Breed Best in Show MCO on Sunday.


Registration fees:

  • Classes 1 - 13 and class 15 (out of competition)                                                   30 EUR (50 EUR two days)
  • Class 14 (domestic cat)                                                                                              15 EUR / per day
  • Litter (minimum of 3 kittens from the same litter in Class 11/12)                     50 EUR / per day
  • Double cage for 1 cat                                                                                                 10 EUR / per day
  • Show catalogue                                                                                                           5 EUR / per exhibitor
  • Entries received after March 6th 2016 (if free places are still available)          10 EUR / per exhibitor
(Measurements of single cage (in cm): 70x70x70 / double cage: WHD 140x70x70)
Participation at the show is on the risk of the exhibitor. Exhibitors may present their cats to the judges except for the BIS / BOB shows. All exhibitors must agree to respect FIFe and ZFDS Rules. Non-FIFe exhibitors are also welcome; they may present their cats in classes for kittens (11 and 12), open and neuter classes (9 and 10).


On-line show entry Ljubljana 2017:


Registration deadline - March 6th 2017

Veterinary requirements: All cats must be vaccinated against respiratory viral diseases and panleucopenia at least 15 days before the show. All cats, travelling from EU to Slovenia must be vaccinated for rabies. The period of vaccine validity is marked by an authorized veterinarian in the cats' passport or vaccination certificate. All cats must have appropriate documents that comply with EU Regulation No 576/2003. Upon registration, cats will be identified via microchip. White cats must have a veterinary certificate for a hearing test.



Please send your application on by March 1st 2017.

Additional information: 

For additional information please contact us on or


Hotel Emonec (***) 
Single bed room – 53,27 EUR/night + 5 EUR pet fee
Double bed room – 62,54 EUR/night + 5 EUR pet fee
More information here.
Note: The hotel is located in the city centre pedestrian zone (not accessible by car). Parking garage Šubičeva (400m distance) can be reserved  for 7€/per day. 
BIT Center (**)
Single bed room - 40,16 EUR/night
Double bed room - 54,52 EUR/night
More information here.
M Hotel (***)
Single bed room - 60 EUR/noč + 20 EUR pet fee/night
Double bed room - 70 EUR/noč + 20 EUR pet fee/night
More information here.
Hotel Mrak  (***)
Single bed room – 72 EUR/night
Double bed room - 83 EUR/night
More information here.
Urban Homy Srl
Double bed room – 67 EUR/night
Junior Suite - 85,50 EUR/night
More information here.

Results and photos from Ljubljana Cat Show (27th and 28th February 2016)

Our photographer has caught a few moments from our diverse cat show, which took place in BIC Ljubljana, where we had the chance to see over 200 different cat beauties. It was phenomenal and we hope to see you next year.

You can view and download the show results here.

If you wish to access the picture gallery (photo: David Černec) click on the picture below. 

International Cat Show Ljubljana 2016

International Cat Show Celje

October 10th and 11th 2015

Celje hosted a two-day International Cat Show which took place on the 10th and 11th of October. Members of the Feline breeders club of Ljubljana (FD Ljubljana) have also been present.

We congratulate all exhibitors for their results and also say our thanks to the Feline breeders club of Celje as the Show organiser.


If you wish to access the picture gallery (photo: David Černec) click on the picture below. 

International Cat Show Celje 2015

February 2016 Shows


118th and 119th 

International Cat Show Ljubljana

27th and 28th of February 2016

2 days/2 shows/2 certificates



Feline breeders club Ljubljana - Felinološko društvo Ljubljana (


Click here for more information.


Biotehniški izobraževalni center Ljubljana – BIC (, Ižanska cesta 10, 1000 Ljubljana (click here for a detailed map).

Judges (category):

  • A. Wittich Soojarit, CH (all categories)
  • V. Isakov, HU (all categories)
  • F. Brambilla, I (all categories)
  • H. Schmid Camenisch, CH (1, 2)
  • P. Dimić, CRO (2)


7.30-9.00      –   Registration and Veterinary Control
10.00-15.00  –   Judging
12.00-14.00  –   Cat Breeds Presentation for Visitors 
15.00             –   Announcement of Most Beautiful Cats (Visitors’ Choice)
16.00             –   Best in Show* and Best of Best
18.00             –   End of the Show
*Special Best in Show Litters on Saturday and Special Best in Show Veterans on Sunday (all categories).


Registration fees:

  • Classes 1 - 13 and class 15 (out of competition)                                                   30 EUR (50 EUR two days)
  • Class 14 (domestic cat)                                                                                              15 EUR / per day
  • Litter (minimum of 3 kittens from the same litter in Class 11/12)                     50 EUR / per day
  • Double cage for 1 cat                                                                                                 10 EUR / per day
  • Entries received after February 19th 2016 (if free spost are still available)     5 EUR / per exibitor
(Single cage: WHD 70x70x70 / Double cage: WHD 140x70x70)
Participation at the show is on the risk of the exibitor. Exibitors may present their cats to the judges except for the BIS / BOB shows. All exibitors must agree to respect FIFe and ZFDS Rules. Non-FIFe exibitors are also welcome; they may present their cats in classes for kittens (11 and 12), open and neuter classes (9 and 10).

On-line show entry Ljubljana 2016:

Registration deadline - February 19th 2016

Veterinary requirements: All cats must be vaccinated against respiratory viral diseases and panleucopenia at least 15 days before the show. All cats, travelling from EU to Slovenia must be vaccinated for rabies.The period of vaccine validity is marked by an authorized veterinarian in the cats' passport or vaccination certificate. All cats from foreign countries must have appropriate documents that conform to EU Regulation No 576/2003. Upon registration, cats will be identified via microchip. White cats must have a veterinary certificate for a hearing test.


Please send your application on by February 15th.

Additional information: 

For additional information please contact us on


Special Offer for our exhibitors
Four Points by Sheraton (****)
Single bed room – 60 EUR/night
Double bed room – 75 EUR/night
More information here.
BIT Center (**)
Single bed room - 40,16 EUR/night
Double bed room - 54,52 EUR/night
More information here.
M Hotel (***)
Single bed room - 60 EUR/night
Double bed room - 70 EUR/night
More information here.


Gala dinner:

Gala Dinner with all the judges will be held on Saturday, February 27th 2016 at 20.30 at Four Points by Sheraton. The price for dinner is 23 EUR and includes the menu below:
Homemade ravioli with cherry tomatoes in a sauce of pine nuts
Roast beef with gravy coffee and red peppers with cheese dumplings and stewed vegetables
Profiterole with mango cream in coffee tapioca
A glass of water (carbonated or non-carbonated) and a glass of house wine (white wine: Goriška Brda Rebula; Red wine: Goriška Brda Cabernet Sauvignon)

Show sponsors:

Media sponsor