May 2023 Shows
International Cat Show Ljubljana
13th and 14th of May 2023
2 days/2 shows/2 certificates
Feline breeders club Ljubljana - Felinološko društvo Ljubljana (
Click here for more information.
Tivoli Hall (Ice hockey arena), Celovška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana (
Vladimir Isakov (all breed)
Donatella Mastrangelo (all breed)
Miroslaw Skotarczyk (cat. 1, 2)
Joeri Vanrusselt (cat. 3, 4)
7.30-9.00 – Registration and Veterinary Control (Sunday 8.00 - 9.00)
10.00-15.00 – Judging
12.00-14.00 – Cat Breeds Presentation for Visitors
15.00 – Announcement of Most Beautiful Cats (Visitors’ Choice)
16.00 – Best in Show and Best of Best
19.00 – End of the Show (on Sunday 18.00)
On-line show entry Ljubljana 2023:
Entry deadline - April 30th 2023 by 12.00 (noon).
Registration fees (in EUR including VAT):
No of cats |
1 day (€) |
2 days (€) |
1 |
35 |
60 |
2 |
55 |
100 |
3 |
75 |
140 |
4 |
95 |
180 |
5 |
105 |
220 |
6th cat and additional cats |
Free of charge |
Free of charge |
- Colour recognition: 10 EUR/cat
- Double cage for 1 cat:* 10 EUR / cat / per day
- Entries received after April 30th 2023 (if free places are still available): 20 EUR / per exhibitor
- Payment on the spot: 20 EUR / per exhibitor
- Catalogue: included in the registration fee
*Measurements of single cage (in cm): 70x70x70 / double cage: WHD 140x70x70
Participation at the show is on the risk of the exhibitor. Exhibitors may present their cats to the judges except for the BIS / BOB shows. All exhibitors must agree to respect FIFe and ZFDS Rules. Non-FIFe exhibitors are also welcome; they may present their cats in classes for kittens (11 and 12), open and neuter classes (9 and 10).
Registration fees for the show are to be paid online to the associations account SI56 0201 0009 1880 112 (bank NLB, d.d., SWIFT: LJBASI2X). The recipient is Felinolosko drustvo Ljubljana, Vosnjakova ulica 1, 1000 Ljubljana, VAT no. SI27171337. The reference name should include your last name and your first name with the postscript Show 2023 (example: "Bond James Show 2023"), the reference number is 00-1112052024 (if applicable). Deadline for payment of registration fees is possible by 8.5.2023, after that, registration fees are paid at the show entrance with the late fee applicable.
Veterinary requirements:
Veterinary check upon entry in the show hall is mandatory for all cats. All cats must be vaccinated against respiratory viral diseases and panleucopenia at least 15 days before the show. All cats, travelling from other countries to Slovenia must be vaccinated for rabies at least 21 days before the show. The period of vaccine validity is marked by an authorized veterinarian in the cats' passport or vaccination certificate. All cats must have appropriate documents that comply with EU Regulation No 576/2003. Upon registration, cats will be identified via microchip. White cats must have a veterinary certificate for a hearing test. Cats should be without any internal or external parasites and free of any signs of diseases. Cats which do not comply with these rules, will be disqualified from the show.
Unfortunately, no permissions to leave early will be granted at the show Ljubljana 2023. Cats must be present for the whole duration of the show on both days. The cages need to be equipped with food, water and litter for cats for the whole duration of the show.
Cancellations for any reason accepted only until deadline (30.04.2023).
Please send your application to Ines Gulić - by May 5th 2023.
M Hotel, Derčeva 4, Ljubljana
- Single room with breakfast: 120 EUR per night.
- Double room with breakfast, 140 EUR per night.
- Extra charge for cats: 20 EUR per night (max 2 cat, if more double price)
- Reservation: , code Cat Show.
Additional information:
For additional information please contact us on